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Monday, 24/02/2025

Regulation on investment incentives and support in Ninh Binh province

Chủ nhật, 02/06/2013 Đã xem: 3530
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(Issued together with Decision No. 28/2012/QD-UBND dated 23 November 2012
of Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee)


      This Regulation provides investment incentives and support for investment projects in industrial parks, tourism area, field of high-tech production, processing and preservation of agricultural products and for projects included in the list of projects calling for investment in Ninh Binh province according to decisions of the Provincial People's Committee.

      1. This provision applies to investors with investment projects under the scope of this regulation and other organizations and individuals related to the implementation of investment incentives and support.
      2. A part f-rom investment incentives and support as stipulated in this Regulation, investors are entitled to other investment incentives and support in accordance with law. If investors are entitled to different investment incentives and support under this Regulation or other legal documents concerned, the highest rate of investment incentives and support shall be applied as stipulated by law.
1. Land incentives
1.1. Land compensation, financial support for site clearance and resettlement
a) Investment projects in the field of development and commercial operation of infrastructure in Industrial Parks will be financially supported in advance by the provincial budget up to 30%, but not exceeding VND50 billion/each project, of the costs for land compensation, site clearance and resettlement.
b) Investment projects included in the List of Projects calling for Investment approved by the Provincial People’s Committee in the field of production of high technology products or investment in tourism zones will be financially supported in advance by the provincial budget up to 50% of the costs for land compensation, site clearance and resettlement, but not exceeding the total fees for land use, land rent which the investors are to pay according to following rates:
No. Total investment capital Maximum support in advance
1 Under VND50 billion VND3 billion
2 F-rom 50 to under VND150 billion VND5 billion
3 F-rom 150 to under VND500 billion VND7  billion
4 VND500 billion or more VND10 billion
c) Project owners will get financial support in advance for land compensation, site clearance and resettlement as stipulated in Part a and b of this Article only after they have paid at least 50% the costs for land compensation, site clearance and resettlement as approved.
d) The remaining costs for land compensation, site clearance and resettlement (if any) will be paid in advance by the investors and will be deducted f-rom the land use fees and land rents when the projects come into operation, but the deducted amount together with the financial support in advance f-rom the provincial budget shall not exceed the total land use fees and land rents to be paid by the investors.
1.2. Land leasing rates
a) For investment projects located in areas with difficult socio-economic conditions and industrial parks, in the fields of production of high technology products; projects included in the encouraged invesment sectors, specially encouraged investment sectors; the land leasing rates will be calculated at the lowest rate at 0.75% x (multiply) land price (according land use purpose), and this rate will be kept unchanged for 05 years.
b) For other investment projects, the land leasing rates will be calculated at the lowest rate at 1.5% x (multiply) land price (according land use purpose), and this rate will be kept unchanged for 05 years.
c) In the case of large scale projects (Group A) with high economic and socio efficiency, the provincial People’s Committee will make decision of land leasing rates and report to the provincial People’s Council at the most recent session.
1.3. Exemption and reduction of land rents and land use fees:
No. Types of projects Land rents Land use fees
1 Projects in fields of: processing, preservation of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture products; development of eco-tourism zone    
- Located in areas with difficult socio-economic conditions. Exemption for  15 years Reduction 70%
- Located in rural areas in the remaining areas. Exemption for  11 years Reduction 50%
2 Projects invested in the specially encouraged sectors and located in industrial parks in areas with difficult socio-economic conditions. Exemption for  15 years Reduction 50%
3 - Projects invested in the encouraged sectors and located in industrial parks or in areas with difficult socio-economic conditions.
- Projects invested in the specially encouraged sectors and located in the remaining areas
Exemption for  11 years Reduction 30%
4 - Investment projects located in industrial parks or in areas with difficult socio-economic conditions. Exemption for    07 years Reduction 20%
5 Projects invested in the encouraged sectors and located in the remaining areas Exemption for  03 years Reduction 20%
1.4. The rights of investors in land
a) Investors shall be permitted to have land allocation, land lease and land-use rights to use long-term or period of time;
b) Investors shall be permitted to transfer, assign, lease out, sub-lease out, inheritance, offer, mortgage or contribute capital by the land use rights in accordance with law;
c) Investors shall be compensated when the State recovers land.
2.1. Industrial parks
a) Infrastructure facilities outside industrial parks:
- Roads (invested by State budget);
- Electricity, water supply and telecommunication networks are constructed up to the fence of industrial parks to be supplied directly to investors.
b) Infrastructure facilities inside industrial parks: After finishing construction of waste water treatment system for the whole industrial park, the investors will receive financial support equivalent to 30% of the total construction cost, but not exceeding to VND10 billion.
2.2. Projects included in the List of Projects calling for Investment approved by the Provincial People’s Committee after having come into operation will receive financial support equivalent to 50% of the costs for construction of roads up to the fence of the projects, but not exceeding the corporate income tax paid to the State budget in the first year (not including the corporate income tax exemption period, if any)
3. Corporate income tax incentives
No Recipient Incentives
Rates of tax Exemption Reduction
1 Newly established enterprises f-rom investment projects located in areas with difficult socio-economic conditions. 20% in 10 years Tax exemptions for 2 years since the date of taxable income 50% tax reduction in the next 4 years
2 Newly established enterprises f-rom investment projects of high technology fields, electricity, power plants, water supply and drainage system 10% in 15 years Tax exemption for 04 years since the date of taxable income 50% tax reduction in the next 9 years
4. Incentives for credit capital
Investment projects included in the List of projects calling for investment as in decision of the Provincial People’s Committee to invest in industrial zones are in favorable conditions for loans at favorable interest rates f-rom Ninh Binh investment  and development fund or issuance of investment incentives certificate to support investment interests according to annual plan of the province. Free loans advisory service and projects planning advisory, information to avoid risks when investors apply for loans of Ninh Binh investment and development fund
5. Administration procedures support
5.1. The Investment Consultance Centre inside the provincial Department of Planning and Investment is the direct agency for advisory, support to provide services for administration procedures for investors to carry out projects outside industrial zone on: business registration issuance, land given, land rent, land use right certificate issuance, investment certificate issuance, representative office establishment certificate of organizations, individuals in the country and overseas, construction certificate, work permit for foreign expatriates, Vietnamese people with permanent residence in foreign countries and Vietnamese workers in Ninh Binh, products certificate, environment impact evaluation report.
5.2. The provincial industrial zone authority is the focal contact to proceed administration procedures for investors to carry out investment projects to industrial zone on: land given, land rent, land use right certificate issuance, investment certificate issuance, representative office establishment certificate of organizations, individuals in the country and overseas, construction certificate, work permit for foreign expatriates, Vietnamese people with permanent residence in foreign countries and Vietnamese workers in Ninh Binh, products certificate, appraisal for environment impact evaluation report.
6. Other support
6.1. Education support, advertising information, Science and technology innovation
No Forms of support Support level
1 Training Maximum of VND03 million /per person/ training course, applicable to employees who have labour contract term of above 2 years, possess social insurance, medical insurance in accordance with law
2 About advertising information 100% free advertising on Ninh Binh television and broadcasts in 3 years with 04 times of  advertising each year.
3 Commerce promotion 50% of fees for fair and exhibition participation at home and overseas (one times each year and maximum 200 million Vietnamese dongs/ enterprise for overseas fair)
Support for science and technology innovation  
- Registration for intelligent property rights 5 millions Vietnamese dongs  for an invent, registration for industry design protection, 3 million Vietnamese dongs/ per design
- Brand name protection registration 02 millions  Vietnamese dongs / brand name
- Registration for industrial property rights protection for specialty goods and export goods 15 million Vietnamese dongs/ product
- Registration for international brand names protection Support 50% of the expenses (maximum 15 million Vietnamese dongs for one brand)
6.2. Support organization, individuals on promotion, project brokerage
Organizations and individuals who are successful in attracting investment projects with large scale (Group A) and high economic and socio efficiency will be considered for financial support in accordance with the total investment and the effectiveness of the project.
1. Investors entitled to investment incentives and support as stipulated in this Regulation shall be responsible to prepare sufficient, accurate documentation for financial finalization in accordance with regulations.
2. Investors are responsible for deploying their projects in the right progress as committed. In case the project is unable to keep to the progress as committed, leading to the revoke of Investment Certificate in accordance with law, the investors shall have to return the sites in clear condition and all the preferential fund and support they have enjoyed to the province under this Regulation.
1. This regulation is stable for 10 years.
2. In the process of deploying, implementing regulations, if any difficulties arise, organizations and individuals should promptly report to Ninh Binh Department of Planning and Investment for reviewing and reporting to the provincial People's Committee to consider, amend and supplement accordingly.